














Trip Report

by Stephen "Buckshot-B" Benton

Preface: "Once in a great while, there comes an article so breathtakingly stupid, so heroic in its inanity, that as one reads it, even inanimate objects in the surrounding area seem to radiate intelligence by comparison."
          -Some guy on the Internet
That pretty much sums up this report!


Oh me, oh my. How to begin this report? To tell you the truth, I didn't really do much with the fellow 'Argers. I attended the smoker, took some video for posterity and that was about it. I did play some Pink and PL in which I got thoroughly spanked. After getting raped in both games I decided not to play in them again. I hear afterwards two PL games were started in the suite but I didn't get wind of it until after the game broke. I would've been Steve "IFSATG" Carbonara's bitch anyway considering I can't seem to put enough chips into the pot after saying raise. I heard raising $5 just makes him lick his chops.

Ronald "Baltimore Ron" Wilson, Dennis "PSU72" Frey and I made the trek together and bunked together. We talked much about the upcoming weekend. I made resolutions to play solid and make a final table or two, as did the other guys. Unfortunately, I didn't do either. I played pretty solid and made some "sketchy" 3-bets according to my friends but there's history there that supercedes all rationalization. But I digress. I'll go into a little detail about the few hours that preceded the Smoker.

The first game I plopped down in was a nice $15-$30 Holdem game. I didn't make any headway for the first hour and was almost down to the felt from my initial buyin of $400. At about the same time a young Asian guy with a root beer and some sort of snack he tried to pawn off to the table hunkered down. He looked an awful lot like a guy I saw on the Internet. A guy named Terrance Chan, but this guy had a smooth haircut much like mine. I decided he was ultra cool, you know, because of his haircut and all. It also didn't hurt that he was Asian, so there's a natural affinity there. I was on a small run when I finally buckled down and asked if he was who I thought he was. He confirmed my assumption and we made formal introductions. Terrance is a great guy and has the typical Asian constitution. I heard he only had a couple of hours of sleep before the HOE tourney. I had QQ cracked by a set of 33's and I was about to go noodle on the entire table. But I staved off the tilt and proceeded to charge forward. I wish I recalled all the hands that brought me back from the cellar but the only thing I remember is catching flops and leaving the table for the smoker positive $150 in about an hour. I asked Terrance if he was going to the smoker to which he replied, "What, and leave this fishy game?" Seriously, I think he mentioned something about an aversion to smoke. Eh, to each his own.

I was a bit off about what time the smoker started and since I already picked up from the $15 game I was standing around like a dorf. I managed to hop into a newly started $10-$20 Holdem game. Shortly afterwards I was joined by a studly gentleman by the name of David "Greatplans" Fruchter. I introduced myself and felt that I made a new friend in Dave. I asked Dave if he planned on attending the smoker. He said he wouldn't miss it for the world. We had a great time talking and playing together. After about a hour and half and getting Aces cracked by an UTG caller with 3h7h I decided to take my winnings and start drinking a little early. I found my friend Dennis sitting in a $5-$10 Holdem game so I decided to sweat him for a while. I was quickly bored after I watched him throw Presto away in the BB after a raiser and 3 cold callers. I was getting that poker itch again and settled into a $3-$6 game. After all, I was drinking so there was no reason to play any higher and besides, I could put everyone at the table on tilt with my loud drunken ways. There were about 3 people able to collect social security at the table. What better way to bring ATLARGE to a screaming start than getting the locals all riled up. It didn't take long since I had a little help from my newly made friend, David Fruchter. I played blind Holdem raising and reraising. It reminded me of BARGE '01 when Robert "ActionBob" Hwang and I did the same thing to the locals at Binion's playing $4-$8. This time, I was with Dave. There was one hand where Dave and I were in together, playing blind of course, and we were headsup after the flop. On the turn I bet then turned a card up after Dave called. I think I had a pair and Dave has some sort of draw. We were laughing so hard I was shooting beer from my nose. I ended up taking it down with that same pair. But what we didn't notice was that one of the older ladies complained to the floor about our behavior and the fact we turned up our cards before the hand was over. Dave and I continued to laugh and carry on and I think the lady eventually left. One time I was laughing and yelling so loud that the table behind us was starting to grumble. I took a stack of white chips and tipped everyone at the table. Then I tipped the dealer a redbird. Needless to say, they didn't complain again. I took about $200 out of the game with my antics. Dave and I racked up and headed out.


The smoker was a pretty good time. Rob drove Ron and me after I got my video camera from the room. I'm a little upset with myself that I didn't use the camera more often in the tourneys. I should've at least recorded the final table action. Maybe if there's a BARGE this year I'll try to make more of a concerted effort. I bought a couple Don Diego Playboy's, AVO #10, and a H. Upmann Tubos for Rob and myself. I kept the AVO and we smoked the rest. I recommend the Playboy to anyone who likes a smooth Connecticut wrap. Nothing much happened at the smoker except Matt "Treasure" Treasure hitting on every woman in the joint, and maybe some guys too. What do you do if Bill Chen moves in with the biggest stack at a final table behind a short stack all in? Oh, and in case anyone missed it, Matt won $10,000 at a Pokerstars.com tournament in February and you call right behind him with Queens. With that being said, it was a good time shared by all. Russell Fox shared a Mike Laing story that can only be executed as succinctly by him so I won't make an attempt. Congrats to Chuck Taylor for winning the over/under and giving me a piece of the action after talking him out of bidding $1,800. Sheesh, Chuck, what were you thinking?

Holdem, Omaha, Eight or Better

The H.O.E. tourney. I forgot to write down who the other players at the table were. From memory I'm going with Linda "Llew" Lewis, Chris "Chris" O'Connor, Dave "Dave!" Croson, Sabyl "Sabyl" Cohen and my arch nemesis, Paul "prm" McMullin. That guy made the 3rd level so horrible for me I thought he was a prop in an online game. Every Omaha hand I played at 75-150, whether or not I raised made no difference; Paul made sure he was in every pot. Like a scorching case of Hemorrhoids, he was a pain in my keister. I must've lost every hand on the river to him, hence the reason for the expression on my face in the paper. But no hard feelings, I'll exact my revenge at BARGE or next year's ATLARGE. Just you wait and see. Anyhow, I never claimed to be an Omaha expert and I think I just played too many hands during that round. Joan "AlwaysAware" Hadley and ActionBob made their way to our table. Bob eventually made it to the final table. Congrats! I exited the tourney in 36th or something. Looking over my notes I noticed that I did play way too many hands in Omaha. Not the choice recipe for Omaha success.

My favorite hand

I'm sitting in this game with a few decent players; one of the better players is 2 to my right. The guy on my immediate right is Vkotlyar, a regular 2+2 poster. This one Asian guy (the local's call him Mumbles) and I were in a hand that caused some confusion because he didn't understand I was checking blind on the river. He got a 30 minute penalty after being obnoxious but never left the area of the table. Unfortunately, since this guy was funding everyone at the table we tried our best the get him to stay and we couldn't talk the floor into changing their minds. Anyway, he comes back into the game and in 1/2 hour I'm about down to the felt from some set backs. I have close to $50 in mid-late position. UTG limps, Vkotlyar limps and I look down to see 9hTh. Not a bad hand, eh, considering the action? I know that Mumbles will be calling and I figure that both blinds will call too. Maybe even more! Everyone else folds and the blinds call. There are 6 people in this pot. The flop comes down 7h 8c 4s. This might be a good flop for my hand, eh? It gets checked around to me so I bet. Mumbles calls and everyone folds to the UTG guy, he calls. Vkotlyar, right next to me calls. Now, I'm about all in here. So….4 way action on the turn and a Qh falls. UTG checks and Vkotlyar bets. Well, shit. What am I going to do here? I do the most obvious thing. I raise all in. I figure it's the best bet and I have many, many outs. Mumbles, the UTG and Vkotlyar all call. I figure it was promising there wasn't a reraise. So now there's a small side pot. The river brings a 2c. Now I'm all fucked, right? UTG folds his hand in disgust. Vkotlyar and Mumbles check. Vkotlyar shows 6d 9d and I stay very still since this is for the side pot. Mumbles shows Tc 6c and I'm just about to bust out of my seat! Mumbles takes the side pot and I proudly show my Th 9h for the main pot! Ship da Cheese! NL Tourney

At the onset of the NL tourney I was pleasantly surprised at the table lineup. Excuse me if I get any of your names wrong. Starting with Seat 1 and working clockwise: Steve "Rookie" Zang, Matt "jacksup" Matros, Ron "Baltimore Ron" Wilson, Rick "Rick Becker", Barry "FourThree" Kornspan, Peter "Pocket AK" Edivan, Me, Pat "CtheTurn" Kirwan. Shit. I'm missing someone. Cest Lavie. After Matt busted out, Warren Sander, the guy that crippled me, replaced him. I was doing real well at the table up to that point I was the table chip leader with ~T2200 at the 3rd level. I had AsAc UTG and bought it in for $100. Warren cold called near the button and we're heads-up on the flop that was K22 2 diamonds. I checked hoping he hit the King to trap him, but he checked behind at which point I said, "Diamond, please." A diamond hit and I bet, I think, T200. He comes over the top to make it ~T500? I reraised again putting T1,200 then he jams. Well, shit, I fold. He showed Ad5d for the flush. I said, "Nice call preflop," and went ahead on my business. Ladies and Gentlemen, if there's anyway to butcher a hand that was the way. I get moved to the table of death and I see: Sabyl, Ira "J-E-T-S" Pilser, Mitch "ADB BFB" Firestone, Matt "Roswell" Kiristis, Scott "Bwana" Byron, Chris "8-2 Chris" Raimondi, Bill "ADV Bill Chen" Chen, and a guy named Mike. I tried to bust Bwana out with some suited crap (I think it was 8dTd) since I was the 2nd shortest stack with ~T600 and he had something like T325. He picked me off with AcJc. After the break I get moved to Steve "Crunch" Daniel, Bruce "ADB Big Boy" Kramer, Peter "Tray Racer" Segal, Johnathan "RollaJ" Cohen, Mitch "Mitch" Kramer, Edward "Pizzaman" Pizzarello, Bert "Toast" Hackney and some guy named Chris. I went all in a couple of times at this table. The first time with 9sTs and Crunch called with something and catch a Ten on the turn. The last time with Presto and lost (how the fuck does that happen?) when Bruce has Queens in the SB. The nerve!

America's Playground

There was a ton of stuff that happened during the ATLARGE weekend that made it memorable for me. I especially liked the Ten high showdown win. At the suite Goldie and Fruchter were discussing politics and stuff when Goldie said something about him being Jewish and Dave retorted something of a political nature. It had to do with the war and money and such and I pretended to be entirely rapt in the conversation. Then at an intense moment during their debate I interrupted the conversation and said, in all seriousness, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, guys." I stared directly at Goldie and said, "You're Jewish?!?!" Meeting Fruchter was a riot and playing the $3-$6 no peek, blind raise with him was even more riotous. It's too bad I didn't get a chance to try some of his homemade pasta. I hear he works wonders in the kitchen. It was also great to see Matt, Goldie, Chic, Joan, Carbonara and others again. I wish I had the time to make the trek up to AC every week like I did last year. It was also great to meet Terrance. I hope to swap stories and trade secrets with him in the years to come. Terrance, I'm planning on making it to Costa Rica soon. I promise. There was only one time when a gruff and asinine dealer disrupted the festivities. Goldie, ActionBob and I were playing $15-$30 when a dealer named Andy sat in the box. He had an attitude about "something" and we all noticed when he sat down. Whatever was the catalyst of Andy's aggression Goldie didn't really help matters by telling him to "Shut up and deal". Andy responded immediately by telling Goldie to never say shut up. After that we got a little quite and Goldie stopped telling Andy to shut up and deal, instead, he was telling him to shuffle up and deal. This got us laughing again except Andy didn't find it amusing. Eventually a heated exchange ensued between Andy and Goldie and Goldie racked up and left. I said, "Thanks a bunch, dealer. You got the biggest fish in the game to leave." ActionBob and I never tipped Andy and I vowed to never tip him again. If a dealer can't have fun at one of these events with a bunch of tip reckless drunks hamming it up at a table, then he/she probably should find a different line of work. I ate dinner with Russell and his wife, Anne. There were other 'Argers at another table but we ended up at the kiddie table. It was nice to chew the fat with them. Anne described their first date and the best part was Russell asking her back to his place. Oh, and congratulations on the little one. All in all, it was another successful event with memories I'll enjoy for years to come. I'm certainly hoping BARGE will be held someplace so we may again enjoy the company of friends. I'm all for soliciting the Palms to host the event. Anyway, take care everyone!

aka Buckshot