Trip Report
by TIGER123
**introduction and disclaimers**
this last weekend, many of us rgp'ers participated in the "atlarge"
(atlantic rec.gambling excursion) at resorts casino in atlantic
city. this report will be one of several posted here, and all i
can do is give you some of my own recollections and impressions.
since i went to atlarge to have a good time, rather than to
research this report, i wasn't walking around with a notebook, and
some items will be a bit sketchy. since i've never covered a poker
tournament before, i was a little bit unprepared to get down all
the information in the no-limit hold 'em tournament. and since i
got lucky and made it to the final table in the stud tournament,
the notes for that part of this report were made by another rgp'er.
many thanks to frank irwin and jeff woods for their assistance in
recording the hands at the final tables.
oh, yeah. did i say how much fun i had this weekend?
mitch firestone (identified herein as "mitchf") and i have made
arrangements to take the 9:30 bus from the port authority to
resorts casino. barry paul (who's coming in from long island) has
been advised to look for my white baseball cap with the red "qb1"!
sure enough, he sees us! :)
we arrive at resorts around noon, and try to check in to our room.
however, we can't check in until 2:00 pm, even though a prominent
sign in the lobby proclaims that check in begins at 4:00 pm! :)
well, it's time for the buffet luncheon, anyhow! we go upstairs to
the buffet, and i see bruce kramer standing in line with several
people. i'd sent bruce a bootleg copy of the wsop poker game
installation disk last week, and i was eager to see how he liked
the game! however, bruce starts telling me (in front of all my
fellow computer nerds!) that the disk i sent him had a virus.....
c'mon, bruce! i may violate copyright laws, but i'm not gonna give
a friend a computer virus! hehehehehehe....
we find jazbo and other members of atlarge seated at several tables
in the corner of the room. jazbo is handing out our name tags, and
it's lots of fun to introduce ourselves and match screennames and
faces! i seem to recall that i laughed an awful lot during lunch,
which was certainly a portent of things to come! :)
after lunch, mitchf and i check in. our room is in the north
tower, on the fourth floor, exactly two minutes away from the front
desk in the poker room! we unpack, wash up, and proceed to the
poker room, ready to kick butt! within minutes, we're both called
for our respective games (i play 5/10/15 stud; mitchf plays 1-5
stud), and the weekend officially begins! there are about 50
atlargers participating in the weekend, and we're all wearing our
nametags. russell rosenblum sits down at my stud table, killing
time before the regular friday afternoon limit hold 'em tournament.
when the tournament is called, the various other ring games are
consolidated. atlarge has lots of people in the tournament, and we
even place several people at the final table.
(who has just started to post here), who didn't know about atlarge,
is at the final table, as well as jay sipelstein and somebody else
(peter secor?). brenda is knocked out, our other member places
fourth, and sippy (who had been down to a single chip) places
second! wtg atlarge!
meanwhile, i'm getting stomped! i'm down $300 by 6:00 pm, and
stand up; there must be another game somewhere.....i walk across
the street to the taj mahal, and get seated in a new 5/10 stud
game. it doesn't take me very long to drop another $200, and after
greeting a bunch of people i know, i return to resorts. another
5/10/15 stud game, and i'm down another $200.....hey! what's going
on here?? i request a table change, and get seated at a table
which includes jims, k-man, frank irwin, and one or two other
atlargers. i buy-in for my last $200, and finally start on the
road to recovery. by midnight, i've got a monster stack of chips,
and i'm down (net) less than $200. if you play 5/10/15, resorts
will give you a $5 credit for meals (the taj mahal weekend comp
policy is significantly less), and i order a turkey sandwich on
rye; jims also orders a sandwich. our meals arrive at the table,
but when jims takes a bite out of his cherry tomato, the pulp of
the tomato goes flying across the table, showering the chips and
cards with tomato juice! rofl! perhaps eating at the table isn't
such a good idea, after all......mitchf taps me on the shoulder at
about 1:00 am, and we decide to call it a day. as we share a
scotch in the room, we agree that the atlargers are a very nice
group of people!
friday night, several atlargers participated in a "target"
satellite, which will sponsor one member to a satellite at the
world series of poker next month at binion's. jerry gerner (whom
i believe was the host) won the satellite. wtg jerry!
jazbo had previously asked me (the only atlarger he actually had
met who was not playing hold 'em) to keep track of the order of
finish of the no-limit hold 'em tournament, for the purpose of
determining the overall champion. i was quite delighted to do so,
since it gave me the opportunity to actually meet each and every
player as they busted out.....okokokok, i certainly could have met
them under nicer circumstances, but.....
the tournament gets started within ten or fifteen minutes of schedule.
there actually was an all-in pot on the very first hand! but it
was chopped as two players flopped the nut straight. twelve
minutes later, harris blum won a resorts baseball cap as the first
to be knocked out. meanwhile, there are two players who haven't
yet shown up for the tournament! in accordance with standard
tournament rules, their stack is dealt a hand each time, and the
necessary blinds are removed from their stacks as required. the
two missing players are peter secor and david trinidad. jazbo
tells me that david is supposed to be driving down today, and that
peter is staying at the hotel. the following ensues:
"hi. could you ring mr. peter secor for me? he's staying here at
the hotel, but i don't know his room number.
"::::ring! ring! ring!::::
"hiya! peter? this is tiger123!"
"peter? you're in the hold 'em tournament, right?"
"well, we've already started! better get down here.....*now*!!"
it turns out that, even though peter was still in his room, he had
actually won a hand!! as the big blind, chips were taken from his
stack, and he was dealt a hand. nobody opened, and the little
blind didn't even call..... or, more obviously, raise! ***note -
resorts cardroom staff advises me that, if the little blind had
called, the little blind would automatically have won the showdown;
no one is permitted to act for an absent player, and turning over
the hand to show cards is considered an act.*** peter soon arrives
at the room and takes his place. however, david never shows up,
and he actually places 22nd out of 54 before the blinds eat up his
chips! wtg david!
the tournament runs quite smoothly, punctuated every ten minutes or
so by the cry of "presto!" from one table or another. taj dealer
richard sooy takes the early chip lead, and soon after the break at
a little after 12:30, richard has a commanding lead. however,
tournament poker is a game of ebb and flow, and by the time we
reach the final table, the chip position is as follows:
jerry gerner | 2600 |
jim strydio | 2950 |
russell rosenblum | 2500 |
steven smith | 1200 |
paul filipski | 1775 |
jeff woods | 3675 |
j p massar | 3700 |
richard sooy | 700 |
jeremy miller | 975 |
peter secor | 8200 |
at 1:45, the first casualty is richard, who puts all his chips in
with (ks 2c). jerry calls with (ad qd). the cards on the table
are jd jh 6x - x - as. jerry, who didn't need improvement, made a
pair of aces on the river, and richard is now using a new e-mail
signature: "i played my guts but i should have played the nuts!"
wtg richard!
this is a "fast action" tournament, and there is a significant hand
about every five minutes. russel goes all-in with (ad 10c), and
jerry calls with a pair of nines. the flop (9s 6d 8d) gives jerry
a set, but russel was alive with a belly straight draw and a back-
door draw to a flush. the 5c didn't help anyone, and although the
river gave russel a pair of aces, it wasn't enough. wtg russel!
ten minutes later, a big hand builds when jerry and jp call a big
bet from peter. the flop comes qd 7s 5c, and peter increases his
chip lead when his big bet isn't called. two hands later, j p goes
all-in with a pair of queens, and is called by jeff with (ks 10s).
the table shows 6h 7s 4x - jc - 2c, and j p is still alive.
at 2:10, jims makes a stand with (10 8) unsuited, and j p calls
with a pair of tens. the flop of qx jy 5z gives jims a belly
straight draw, but 4th street is the fourth ten, giving j p trips.
an ace on the river ends jims' tournament. wtg jim!
five minutes later, paul is all-in on the big blind, and he's got
a pretty good hand with (kd qd). peter makes a big raise with (a?
js), and jerry calls all-in with a pair of kings. the flop of 8s 2s
jx gives peter a pair, but the rest of the cards, 2d and 5d, don't
help. jerry's kings hold up and paul stands up to collect his
winnings. wtg paul!
a few minutes later, jeff makes a big pre-flop bet, and is called
by peter. the flop is jd 2h 5h; jeff checks, and peter makes a
monster bet to win the hand. on the very next hand, jeff raises
with (ac jx), and jerry calls with a pair of fours. the flop is
6h 4c 10c, and jeff calls jerry's $2000 bet. the turn is 8c and
jerry's all-in bet is called by jeff with a flush draw. the river
is an offsuit king, and the set keeps jerry alive. the very next
hand has steve all-in on the big blind, and his solitary ace is
enough to keep him at the table.
at 2:30, jeff goes all-in with (10c 2s). steve calls with (ah 2x).
an ace flops, and nothing else happens in the hand, so jeff has to
leave. wtg jeff!
one or two hands later, j p is all-in on the big blind with (9c 6h).
peter raises with (ks 7s) to keep the rest ofthe players out,
and the flop is ac 3c 9h. 4th street is the 2d,and the river card
didn't help either player, so j p's pair of nines keeps him in the
tournament. on the very next hand, jeremy is all-in on the big blind
with (9d 5h). j p calls with (8d 7c), and the flop gives both players
a pair with 4c 5c 7s. the turn is the 3c and the 8h on the river
makes two pair for j p, and jeremy busts out. wtg jeremy!
the blinds are now up to 1000/2000, and steve goes all-in with (j 10)
offsuit. peter and jerry both call. the flop comes 4s 6d 7d, and
jerry goes all-in, causing peter to fold. jerry shows his (ac jd),
and 4th street is the 8d. the river helps both players! the 9d gives
steve his gutshot straight, but jerry makes a flush, and steve has to
be content with 4th place money. wtg steve!
on the very next hand, jerry puts j p, who is short-stacked, all-in;
j p has (k 3) offsuit and jerry has (4h 5h). the cards on the table
read 2x 9h 6h - 7c - 4s. jerry's pair on the river ends the
tournament for j p, and we're now down to head-to-head. wtg j p!
it's about 2:50 pm, and the blinds are still 1000/2000. jerry has
a big chip lead; he's got 17500, but peter only has 9700. peter
raises the suggestion of the possibility of a deal, but jerry says,
"play 'em!" twice, while on the button, jerry makes a big raise to
take peter's big blind. at 2:55, peter goes all-in with (10h 9s),
and jerry calls with (kh 7h). the table shows qs jh 4d - 8s - 2d,
and peter's straight on the turn means we'll have to see some more
hands! :)
at 3:00 pm, eddie cooper, resorts tournament director, rules that
the blinds will stay at 1000/2000 for another 15 minutes. peter
goes all-in with (10d 4d) and jerry calls with (ax 8d). the cards
on the table are 9 4 2 - k - 6, and peter stays alive with fours.
for the next few minutes, the players trade blinds. suddenly, a
big hand develops in an unraised pot. the flop is 2s 9s 2c, and
peter goes all-in with his remaining 6800. jerry calls, and shows
(as 9h). peter grins and shows his (6s 2h). the qc and ks don't
help, and peter's now got about a 3/2 chip lead. on the very next
hand, jerry makes a big raise, and peter calls. on the flop of 4h
kd 8s, jerry goes all-in and peter mucks his hand.
two minutes later, peter goes all-in with (8h 8d) and jerry calls
with (js 9s). the flop is 4s kd 3d, but the turn card is jd to
give jerry a high pair. however, the river is the 5d and peter's
runner-runner back door flush wins the pot. jerry doesn't have
many chips left.
on the next hand, jerry concedes the little blind, and on the
following hand, peter returns the favor. but on the next hand,
jerry goes all-in on the little blind with (ac 4s). peter calls
with a "doyle brunson": (10 2) offsuit. the cards on the table are
9c 5s 5c - 7c - 9h, and the ace kicker is enough for jerry.
at 3:17 pm, jerry is all-in on the big blind with (ac 8s). peter
calls with (ks 2s). the flop is qs 7c 6s, giving peter a four-flush.
the 2h on the turn gives peter a pair, and the kh on the river ends
the tournament. wtg jerry! wtg and congratulations to the fellow
who wasn't even in his seat when the tournament started: peter secor!!
after the no-limit hold 'em tournament ended, most of the
gang played live poker at resorts for a while. i'd given
mitchf a hint on how to stabilize a large stack of chips:
use three chips as a base, and keep on building! sure
enough, when i wander to mitchf's table at about 6 pm,
he's got two 40-chip towers - one white and one red (which
is quite an accomplishment at 1-5 limit)! wtg mitchf!
i'm playing 5/10/15 stud, and can't move more than $50
either way, and i decide it's time for dinner.
josh and larry are two young men to whom i've taken a
liking. they're both a year or two out of college, and
i've taught them one or two things about 7-card stud (and
have taken a bet or two off them in the process!). they
both lurk here, and josh had already signed up for the
stud tournament on sunday. for some reason or another,
they offer to buy me dinner, and i have visions of a
wonderful chateaubriand....or perhaps some osso bucco....
but i decide that it's time to take these guys for the
best submarine sandwiches in the world! so josh, larry,
mitchf and i head to "the white house", a little sub shop
near the bus station in the middle of town. this place
really is *world famous* for their subs, and the walls of
the place are festooned with photographs of every single
celebrity who ever was in the last fifty years!! we have
a philly steak, and a sausage parmigiana, and an italian
sub, and.... and.... and..... and the boys even order
another sub "to go"!! they drop us off back at resorts,
and they head to their room to watch the ncaa game.
my saturday night play is unremarkable, and i win a
couple bets before mitchf and i decide to book the session,
and get a good night's sleep before the 7-stud tournament
on sunday. we've got just enough scotch left for one
*very* stiff drink each. i'm psyched for tomorrow!!
well, the big day is here. for more than one year, i've
been proclaiming myself the local 7-card stud expert in
these parts, and the pressure is on! mitchf and i pack
our bags, drop them off and check out of the hotel. we
have breakfast at the cafe casino, and get to the poker
room about ten minutes before official starting time. as
i am completing my paperwork at the cashier's cage, i see
"del", a guy i met about six months ago at the 5/10 stud
tables at the taj. he lives a couple blocks away from me
in greenwich village, and (since he sold his business a
couple years ago) he spends his time in nyc, atlantic city,
las vegas, phoenix, and the west coast! he asked me what
i was doing, and i tell him. del manages to get the last
seat in the tournament, and we agree to meet at the final
table! :)
the stud tournament begins about 15 minutes after schedule.
i find josh at my table, but mitchf and larry are elsewhere.
sitting next to me is "ron", a very good local player with
whom i've played several times. in fact, ron tells me that,
upon my recommendation, he purchased the wilson software
7-card stud game, and has been having a ball with it! also
at my table is mitch kramer (described herein as "mitchk"),
who's the father of bruce kramer. i've played 5/10 stud
with mitchk many times, and i respect him as a pretty solid
player. and so the game begins.
within the first two or three hands, i raise with split
aces and mitchk is my only caller. he raises me on 4th,
and again on 5th, and i'm too stubborn to realize that he
really was rolled up. ::::sigh:::: about ten minutes
later, i raise with pocket queens, and mitchk stays with
me all the way to win with two pair. ::::sigh:::: and
about fifteen minutes later, my split aces are again cracked
when somebody makes a flush on the river. ::::sigh::::
hey! i'm already in *serious* jeopardy! and this damn
tournament is only in its beginning stages. at 25/50,
i raise with a high pair, but have to give it up when my
lone opponent pairs his door card. jeez....i've only got
$30 left (which doesn't go very far at 25/50). thank god
i'm not the first one to bust out ..... i look at my next
hand: q (j 4) in early position, so i put my chips in.
josh (with a king up in last position) is my only caller,
and he shows me an ace (but no pair!). 4th street doesn't
help, and neither does 5th street, and neither does 6th
street, but i make *fours* on the river to stay alive! :)
within one or two hands, i raise with split kings to win a
few more chips. but it's time to raise the limits, too,
and i'm still in lousy chip position. i have to throw away
the next several hands, but pretty soon i find a 3-straight
2-flush with live high cards, and i raise and get one caller.
on 4th street, i'm up-and-down, and all eight of my straight
cards are live. i'm all-in by 5th street, and i've got my
straight on 6th. still alive!
i don't play another hand that round, but when the limits go
up again, i know i gotta do something soon! sure enough,
once again, i find a 3-straight 2-flush with live high
cards and raise. i've got one caller. once again, i'm
up-and-down on 4th street with live cards, and my opponent
raises me to put me all-in. i make my straight on the river
and it's now time to consolidate tables. i find myself
sitting left of jazbo, who is absolutely wired! jazbo is
playing cards, talking on the house phone, talking with
resorts cardroom staff, and taking reservations for "barge
96" chip sets. jazbo announces, "last call for "barge 96"
chip sets!! only $14!!", so i slide three red tournament
chips towards his stack and say, "keep the change!" this
minor witticism brings a roar of laughter (remember! we're
all under serious emotional strain and *anything* which
even resembles humor becomes monstrously funny!). i'm
still waiting for jazbo to respond to siona's inquiry about
who will win the overall women's title......
my chip position isn't bad - i've got slightly less than
average at my table. however, in an early hand, i slow-
play a pair of pocket aces, and bruce kramer raises (with
what turned out to be a high three-flush). i re-raise, and
bruce decides to take a stand. i bet on 4th street, and
make a running pair by 5th street, and put bruce all-in.
he doesn't make his flush, and i'm in better position.
several hands later, i limp-in in early position with a live
j (q 8). there are five callers. on 4th street, j p, who
is high with a king checks, and it's checked all around to
me. even though i haven't helped, i bet it, and get one
or two callers. it's checked again to me on 5th street,
and my bet wins a very nice pot. this was a very crucial
hand, since i won three or four big bets (in total) at the
expense of all my opponents, and i didn't even have a hand!
keith miyake does a job on david meeks (sorry, david - i
forgot that you had placed 4th in the limit hold 'em
tournament on friday.....), and a couple hands later, i
find my usual 3-straight 2-flush with live high cards,
and raise. david stays with me, i'm up-and-down on 4th,
and he's all-in by 5th. yeah, i make the straight on the
river and david's got to stand up. later, i make the same
play against sippy's aces, but this time make the flush.
very soon thereafter, it's time for the break. mitchf has
busted out, along with josh and larry, and the boys are
simply astounded that the old man (me) is still alive! :)
i don't recall very much of the play for about an hour
after the break. i've tightened up considerably, because
i've noticed that several players at the three remaining
tables are short-stacked, and getting to the final table
is now a very real possibility. three tables quickly become
two tables, and it doesn't take very long to get down to
the last eight players. tournament director tommy mooney
places cards face-down on my table for seat positions at
the final table. damn! i've drawn seat #4. ***note: i
very much prefer to sit in seat #7 or #2 - i've got the
best view of the table from the end. my next choices are
#8 and #1, and after that is #6 and #3. i *hate* being
in the middle at #4 or #5 - i can't see *anything* from
those seats.... ::::sigh:::: ***
i take off my white baseball cap with the red "qb1" on it.
another thread on this board is a discussion of why you
should wear a hat during a tournament. i've previously
stated here that wearing a hat with a brim is an absolute
necessity when playing 7-card stud. you can always control
when your opponent can see your face (by bending your head
down or up), and you need never look at your river card
while your opponent can see your reaction. hehehehehehe!
but there's another reason why i wear a hat! i stand up,
pick up my chips, dump 'em in my hat, and proudly carry
it to the final table. tournament assistant director carol
page notes that instead of "a chip and a chair", i've got
"a hat and a chair!" :)
i don't have the chip count for the players at the final
table, but the lineup is as follows:
ross poppel | - | big stack |
keith miyake | - | only a few chips |
lou "local" | - | medium stack |
me | - | small/medium stack |
jeff woods | - | only a few chips |
j p massar | - | small/medium stack |
del | - | medium stack |
mitchk | - | medium/large stack |
del and i grin at each other! sure enough, we've met at the
final table! :) i wish everyone good luck, and we begin.
only the top six spots will get paid, and i'm determined to
wait out keith and jeff. within the first several hands,
both keith and jeff are all-in against del. someone else is
in the hand, so there are actually three side-pots. at the
showdown, del wins all the money with his pair of nines.
del: (ac 9h) 9d - 4d 8c 6s jh
keith: (4s 9c) as - jd 10d 3h kc
jeff: (js 7s) 4c - 2d 8d 5h qc
we're down to the final six.
the next note i have is that j p went all-in against ross, and
stayed alive with a pair of fours against ross' deuces.
soon thereafter, del had to settle for sixth place. he raised
with a split pair of kings, and ross called with (4h 6h) 5d. del
went all-in with kings and deuces by sixth street, but ross made
a straight. wtg del!
not too much later, lou (the very tough local player) raised with
(as 2s) kh, and was called by j p with (ad 2d) 3c. by the end of
the hand, lou has kings and deuces, but j p shows his hand:
ad 2d 3c 2c 4s 5c 10c, and proclaims, "broadway!" lol! j p had a
straight, all right, but it was positively 1st street, not broadway!
bye, bye, lou!
at about this time, ross played a crucial hand against j p. i don't
recall specifically what happened, but it was a raised pot, and by
sixth street, j p only had one or one-and-a-half bets left in his
stack. ross, who had paired his door king, checked on 6th street,
and on the river said, "well, i'll give you a break." ross shows
his three kings and j p mucks. i'm fuming on the inside. ross had
the chance to knock j p out of the tournament (and thereby improve
everybody's money position) but for reasons known only to himself,
failed to do so. hey! different strokes, and all! ross paid just
as much money to enter the tournament as everybody else, and he's got
the right to play his chips the way he wants to! ::::sigh::::
in the next several hands, j p goes all-in each time to win the antes,
and win a bet or two, and he's back in the tournament. then came a
big hand between ross and myself. ross was the bring-in, and i raised
with split aces. he calls. i get a suited card on 4th street, and bet.
it didn't look like ross helped, but he called. i get another suited
card on 5th street (to make two split pair), and it looks like ross
still hasn't helped. bet and call. on 6th street, i get the king of
my suit, bet, and ross *still* calls! i don't help on the river, bet,
and get raised. ::::sigh:::: ross had nothing more than a pair of 9s
in the pocket on 5th street, and hung around. he made concealed trips
on 6th and filled in on the river. ::::sigh::::
i'm back on the bubble. pretty soon, i've got to put it all in on a
little draw, and j p calls me. he's got queens and tens, and i'm still
sitting there on sixth street with an inside straight draw. i get my
river card, say, "i need a four," and snap it over! it's a four!! but
j p gets his revenge a couple hands later. i raise with split kings; j p
re-raises with an ace (turns out he had a three-flush), and i re-raise.
i've got kings and queens by 6th street, but he pulls a flush on the
river, and i'm in trouble, again.
i get to play my last hand against mitchk (who had been my nemesis when
tournament started and who polished me off at the end). he's the
ross folds, and i raise with a ten up and eights in the hole. j p folds.
on 4th street, mitchk gets a suited ace and bets into me. i don't think
he's got an ace in the hole, but i'm just not sure if he's on a flush
i just don't know what to do. i think for as long as i can, and call (in
hindsight, i probably should have raised, but, as we will see, it didn't
matter). 5th street brings mitchk an offsuit jack and i get a queen.
he bets and i raise all-in. he calls. he gets another jack on 6th
and shows his split sixes. i need an eight or a queen, but it isn't
and i'm busted out. after the tournament, mitchk told me that, if i had
raised on 4th street, he would have called me anyway, since i was short-
i stand up and chat with tommy and carol, as he completes the paperwork
my winnings. carol escorts me to the cashier (i'm very glad she did - i
was so pumped up that i would *never* have gotten there by myself!). i
know that carol and i were talking, but i haven't the slightest
of what we said! i hope i didn't embarass myself! ;)
the three-handed game continues for what seemed to be a long time. the
say that the next critical hand happened when mitchk had deuces in the
and a ten up, and called j p's raise on (as 10s) qc. although mitchk
his door ten, j p made aces on 4th street, and mitchk was all-in. j p
a second queen on the river to win the hand. wtg mitchk!
ross and j p play head-to-head for quite some time. a big hand happens
when j p makes queens and sevens early, but ross hangs on to make a flush
on the river. j p (who had already locked up the overall championship)
proposes that they split the money down the middle, and just play for the
plaque, and ross is happy to agree! the next hand, they raise, and
and j p is all-in on third street. j p glances at his hole cards, waits
4th street, and mucks his hand. ross is the champ!!
after the tournament, mitchf and i play another hour or two of live poker,
say goodbye to all our new friends, and then head to the california pizza
kitchen for dinner. we load up on chicken and garlic pizza, and have a
couple beers! it's time for the bus!!
i had a wonderful time! mitchf had a wonderful time! i think just about
everybody in the group had a wonderful time! i know that the resorts
floorpeople, management, dealers, and players all had good things to say
about us.
many many many thanks to jazbo for making it all happen!!
let's do it again real soon!! :)